Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Essay about The Cause of Hatred and Distrust in the Middle...

The Cause of Hatred and Distrust in the Middle East The war in Iraq is further poisoning the already noxious political atmosphere between Arabs and Americans. It has intensified and increased dangerous feelings of humiliation and outrage among the Arab public, while paranoid rhetoric about Western attacks against Islam elsewhere is spreading from the religious fringe to the mainstream. It is simplistic and self- serving for political leaders in the West to tell us that the terrorists attacks happen because they hate freedom, or hate our democratic values or they despise our love of liberty. Many, in fact, hate what they perceive as materialistic Western values, but this is not what leads them†¦show more content†¦This means that about 20% of the worlds population is Muslim, 18% Christian, and 2.1% Jewish. Of the 13 million Jews in the world, about 5.8 million live in the United States and about 4.8 million live in Israel. This boils down to the fact that about 80% of the population in Israel is Jewish and about 20% (or 1.1 million) is Arab Muslims. The population in the West Bank (a dry, land-locked area of about 5,860 square miles right smack in the middle of Israel) is about two million, of which Palestinian Arabs comprise 83% (1.7 million) and Jews comprise about 17% (340,000). The predominant religions in the West Bank are thus about 75% Muslim and 17% Jewish (with the balance being mostly Christians). Basically there are about two million Arab Muslims surrounded by about 4.8 million Jews. The Arabs and the Jews hate each other and have been fighting since the United Nations had the brilliant idea of partitioning the country in this insane manner in 1947 (CIA par.3). Also, U.S. aid to Israel has played a major role in tension between Arabs and America and between Arabs and Israel. 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