Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Early Industrial Revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Early Industrial Revolution - Essay Example These colonies in the East and West Indies, and North America, served as an overseas market for England’s domestic goods, and also provided raw material and manufactured goods. The powerful British naval fleet guarded mercantile access to these markets. At the same time, England’s Scientific Revolution resulted in several inventions, such as the spinning jenny and the steam engine, which lowered production costs and market prices, and increased speed. A rapid growth in population and rising standards of living increased mass consumption and stimulated demand. This population growth also provided England with a large labor force. While the economic and political structure of Europe continued to stagnate under the feudal ancien regime, England’s fledgling democracy witnessed the curtailment of the power of the monarchy and the aristocracy, and the emergence of the influential new middle class, for whom the pursuit of money was socially acceptable. Property and contract rights were guaranteed, giving â€Å"England an important "edge" over its more backward European continental rivals† (Roger, webpage). The English Government’s commercial regulations emphasized the domestic economic interest, and supported entrepreneurs. England boasted a higher level of elementary education than Europe, which contributed towards innovation. England’s Transport Revolution, facilitated by improved road, water and rail infrastructure, and heightened by the inherent advantages of a long, indented coastline, numerous rivers and natural harbors, enabled the speedy movement of raw goods to the factories, a nd manufactured goods to the market. The Agricultural Revolution saw the transition from small land holdings into large farms, the introduction of new crop varieties and farm implements, increasing the yield of industrial raw material, such as cotton and grain. This was in contrast to Europe, where subsistence farming

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